Our team presents a collection of heterogeneous professional paths marked by numerous publications, testifying to their active involvement in research on 17th and 18th-century Europe. Read about them below.
Michela Berti …more
Diana Blichmann …more
Maria Borghesi …more
Isabella Cecchini …more
Teresa Chirico …more
Émilie Corswarem …more
Valeria de Lucca …more
José Maria Dominguez …more
Cristina Fernandes …more
Gloria Giordano …more
Manuela Grillo …more
Anne-Madeleine Goulet …more
Christine Jeanneret …more
Letizia Leli …more
Sarah Malfatti …more
Benoît Maréchaux …more
Barbara Nestola …more
Alexandra Nigito …more
Élodie Oriol …more
Maurizio Pegrari …more
Chiara Pelliccia …more
Aldo Roma …more
Sara Elisa Stangalino …more
Huub van der Linden …more
Giulia Veneziano …more