Sarah Malfatti

Sarah Malfatti is an archivist and a PhD in Literary Theory. In 2008 she graduated in Modern Literature at Bologna University, with a Literary Theory dissertation on Cervantes’ Don Quijote. In 2010 she achieved a DEA degree (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados) at Granada University, where she also obtained a FPU national doctoral scholarship (from 2010 to 2014) in the Romance Philology Department. In 2015 she earned a European PhD degree in Literary Theory with a dissertation on Lecturas y lectores. Prácticas de lectura y comunidades interpretativas en el ‘Don Quijote’, worthy of honorable mention in the third edition of “Premio de investigación cervantina” (2017). During her doctoral studies she has been visiting researcher at Boston University and at Université Paris X Nanterre, where she took part in several activities and seminars in the Spanish Literature Department and at the Colegio de España. From 2012 to 2014 she has been assistant professor at the Romance Philology Department of Granada University. Her research interests include the theory and practice of reading and reception, the history of printing and of written culture in early modern Spain, especially regarding Cervantes literary work, and in general the social aspects of reception and reading. On this topics, she published several papers and essays and she participated in many international seminars and conferences.

In 2017 she graduated from the School of Archival Sciences of the State Archive in Rome, where she collaborated with the restructuring and the digital inventory of the XIX century documents of the archival collection of Pontifical Police (Polizia pontificia, protocollo ordinario). She works as fiction and non fiction translator for two of the main Italian publishers (Einaudi and Mondadori). She is currently working with the Regional Archival Superintendence for the restructuring and the inventory of personal archives and, from February 2018, she is the archivist of the Accademia dell’Arcadia, working at the academy’s historical archive, where she is in charge of reconstructing the XIX century archive and to recollect the XVII and XVIII century material for creating a complete database and a thorough inventory (both digital and analogical) of the entire archive.

Pubblicazioni principali

Malfatti, S. (2018). “El cuerpo leído: Cervantes y la parodia de lo femenino”. In Habemus corpus. Estudios de Cuerpología Femenina en la Literatura Universal, Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 53-58.

Malfatti, S. (2017). “The book-readers relationship in the Golden Age Spain: reading practices and publishing industry”. In A Changing Book Market: Printing in Spain, Portugal and the New World 1601-1650. Dublin: Brill, Library of the Written Word Series, pp. 87-100.

Malfatti, S. (2016). “Políticas de la lectura: los personajes de Don Quijotecomo comunidades interpretativas.” Revista Letral, 16,pp. 16-27.

Malfatti, S. (2016). “Los personajes cervantinos como lectores: breve historia social y cultural de la lectura como práctica”. Meridian Critic, pp. 99-110.

Malfatti, S. (2015). “Prácticas de lectura en la Florencia medieval: Giovanni Boccaccio lee la Commedia en la iglesia de Santo Stefano Protomartire”. Estudios de literatura medieval en la península ibérica. San Millán de la Cogolla: Cilengua, pp. 889-900.

Malfatti, S. (2015). “Los latinos en EEUU como interpretive community: el caso del público televisivo”. In Florenchie, A. e Breton, D. (Eds). Nuevos dispositivos enunciativos en la era intermedial. Bordeaux: Orbis Tertius, pp. 309-332.

Malfatti, S. (2015). “Don Quijote lector leído: hipótesis para una relectura de la teoría girardiana del deseo mediado”. In Actas selectas del VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas,Fundación M. Cristina Masaveu: Oviedo.

Malfatti, S. (2013).“El deseo de ser sí mismo: Don Quijote y la mímesis girardiana”. Cervantes, Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, 33.2, pp 193-215.

Malfatti, S. (2012). “XXY: Un análisis semiótico de la diversidad”. In Eduardo A. Salas (Ed.). Arte y significación. Hacia una semiótica de la expresión artística. Editorial Zumaya: Granada.

Malfatti, S. (2011), “Vasco Pratolini y la tradición del cuento boccacciano: un análisis sociocrítico de Le Ragazze di Sanfrediano”. Sociocriticism, XXV, Vol. 1-2, pp. 138-156.