Michela Berti

Michela Berti is scientific coordinator, researcher and administrator for the PerformArt project database. In 2010 she obtained a doctorate in joint supervision (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne and Università di Roma 2-Tor Vergata) with a thesis focused on the musical life of the French Embassy in Rome during the 18th century. In the period 2010-2012 she worked at the École Française de Rome and at the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom within the ANR-DFG “Musici” project; as well as undertaking a personal research project, she was also responsible of the academic data bank for the project, which is a role she continued to cover at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften in 2013.

She was the 2013-2015 Marie Curie Fellow for the project Le modèle musical des églises nationales à Rome à l’époque baroque, Université de Liège, and in 2016 she obtained an FNRS post-doc scholarship thanks to which she is working on the volume Music and the Identity Process: the National Churches in Rome in the Early Modern period (Brepols, 2017).

She holds a diploma in flute and performs both in Italy and abroad.


[con Émilie Corswarem] Music and the Identity Process : the National Churches in Rome in the Early Modern Period (Titolo da precisare) – in preparazione per la collezione « Épitome musical », Turnhout, Brepols (2017).

« La “diplomatie musicale” du cardinal de Bernis, ambassadeur à Rome : réseau, commandes et choix musicaux », in François de Bernis (1715-1794), médiateur et observateur de l’Europe monarchique et révolutionnaire, a cura di Gilles Montègre, Éditions Tallandier (in corso di stampa).

« La musique pour les “Messe di Francia” à Rome face aux dispositions pontificales », in Réalités et fictions de la musique religieuse à l’époque moderne. Essais d’analyse des discours, a cura di Thierry Favier e Sophie Hache, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (in corso di stampa).

« Tra “Regolamenti” e “musiche straordinarie”: la presenza di musicisti stranieri a S. Luigi dei Francesi e nelle altre Chiese Nazionali di Roma », in Europäische Musiker in Venedig, Rom, und Neapel. 1650-1750, a cura di Anne-Madeleine Goulet e Gesa Zur Nieden, in « Analecta Musicologica », vol. 52, Bärenreiter 2012, pp. 399-426.

« Il costume come costruzione del personaggio. Il caso delle feste francesi a Roma nel Settecento », in Fashioning Opera and Musical Theatre: Stage Costumes in Europe from the Late Renaissance to 1900, a cura di Valeria De Lucca, Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 2014, pp. 54-68.