Sara Elisa Stangalino

The project aims to study the corpus of Roman Librettos dedicated to Lorenza de la Cerda Colonna, particularly taking into account Nicolò Minato’s drammi per musica.

After graduating in Voice at the Conservatory of Piacenza she completed a degree cum laude in Italian Literature and Language at the University of Parma, with a thesis on eighteenth-century opera dramaturgy, which was subsequently presented at the Theater Museum of La Scala, Milan.

In 2011 she obtained a PhD in Musicology at the University of Bologna under the guidance of Lorenzo Bianconi with a dissertation entitled I drammi musicali di Nicolò Minato per Francesco Cavalli.

From 2007 to 2016 she worked as a contract researcher and adjunct faculty in the Music History and Opera areas of the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna.

She has taken part in the following national research initiatives: “Edizioni critiche di musicisti italiani dal XVII al XX secolo” (PRIN 2007), “Edizioni critiche di musicisti italiani e di opere italiane dalla metà del XVII al primo XX secolo” (PRIN 2009).

In 2015 she contributed to the e-learning project “Insegnare Drammaturgia musicale in modalità a distanza o blended” (University of Parma).

She is a contributor to the collected edition of the operas of Francesco Cavalli, which is being published by the German publisher Bärenreiter in collaboration with Yale University and the University of Bologna.

Since 2005, she has been a regular presenter at numerous national and international conferences.


Lorenzo Bianconi, Sara Elisa Stangalino, Salomé Vuelta García, Antonio Vinciguerra, Lope, Tauro, Minato: dalla comedia alla commedia al dramma, Kassel, Reichenberger (2017);

Francesco Cavalli-Nicolò Minato, Xerse, a cura di Hendrik Schulze e Sara Elisa Stangalino, Kassel, Bärenreiter, (2017);

“Le appoggiature nell’opera di metà Seicento”, Il Saggiatore musicale, XIII (2016), pp. 59-80;

“Ciro in Armenia” di Maria Teresa Agnesi: tra dilettantismo e professionismo nel Settecento milanese, Roma, Aracne (2015) [ISBN 978-88-548-8133-4];

Francesco Cavalli-Nicolò Minato, Artemisia, a cura di Hendrik Schulze e Sara Elisa Stangalino, Kassel, Bärenreiter (2013) [ISBN 9790006556663].